
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

new floral prints

Just wanted to share some new floral prints I worked on!

These were all hand painted by me using gouache and watercolor paints. 
I then scanned them in, put into repeat and made a few colorways. 


  1. Hey Melissa!
    Your designs are beautiful, I love the watercolors! Thought you might like to see what I did with some of them here
    toward the bottom of the page.
    Congrats on your baby, please post soon!

  2. Quick question: Would you mind me using the last design as a background for a piece of my own art? I'd make sure to give you full credit for your design. The drawing that I'm planning on using it for is eventually going to be sent to a lovely artist/youtuber by the name of Baylee Jae as fan art.
    Please respond soon!
